Yes you read that right. Rubben Studdard Fitness Festival. As in the American Idol who is in a shape called round.
This past weekend, Iron Tribe hosted a 2-WOD CrossFit competition for the affiliates in the area as part of the larger Fitness Festival. Around us, Alabama residents were partaking in a half-marathon, 5K, and “around the park” fun walk. While participating in the CrossFit Competition, I realized just another example of how CrossFit is THE optimal vehicle for fitness and truly hoped that the runners and walkers gawking at us in amazement and dread act on their curiosity to discover what CrossFit has to offer.
Leave it to Luan to devise a competition program that would leave every competitor feeling exhausted and exhilarated.
WOD #1:
- 150 meter run
- 40 barbell thrusters (75lbs/55lbs)
- 80 ft of walking lunges while holding a plate overhead (45lbs/25lbs)
- 40 kettlebell swings (53lbs/35lbs)
- 25m farmers carry of the kettlebell
- 40 sumo deadlift highpulls (53lbs/35lbs)
- Run through the finish line
*There is a 4 burpee penalty for anytime you drop the barbell, plate or kettlebell
WOD #2
- 3 mins to find a successful 1 rep max lift, ground to overhead
- 3 mins max calories on the rower
- 3 mins max box jumps (24″/20″)
- 3 mins max push ups, flash hands at the bottom
*There will be a 1 min transition time between each movement.
**Score will be the total combined weight lifted, total calories, total box jumps and total push-ups added up.
Both WODs were great – WOD 1 should be known as the “Grip Grinder”. I had an incredible time and got in two incredible workouts. But more importantly, I went to this competition with a very set goal in mind. It was not to PR in a lift (though I did power clean 110 lbs for the first time in WOD #2), it was not to win (congrats to Christine Van Der Hulst for not only killing both wods, but also beating most of the men. Glad to have you back at competitions girl!), it wasn’t even to socialize with CrossFitters from all the different affiliates in the area. I was there for 3 amazing people from CrossFit Tuscaloosa who were competing in their first ever multi-wod CrossFit competition. Carla Skelton, Danielle Grant, and Brandon Roberts (better known as Twinkie) all came with me to get a taste of competition.
The days leading up to the competition, I fretted over whether they would enjoy the experience and what they would get out of it. Would the WODs be intimidating? Would they care how they did in comparison to others? Would everyone play nicely? I know what I have gotten out of going to competitions, and I wanted to pass that on to more CFT members before I moved to Nashville.
The Game Plan
Brandon had done WOD 1 on Tuesday (according to me because he’s a glutton for punishment, according to him because he wanted to know how to pace the WOD). We all discussed strategy for the WODs beforehand, trying to figure out whether any of us could get through the 40 thrusters without breaking – so when do you succumb to the 4 burpee penalty? Carla and I both thought that we’d end up breaking 3-4 times on the thrusters, but could maintain our grip the rest of the WOD. Danielle, who started CrossFit just this year, wanted to finish and not finish last in her heat. For WOD 2, I think we all wanted to PR on the 1 rep max Ground-to-Overhead, but would all be happy with a repeat of our 1 rep max after our grips were shot from WOD 1.
Carla and Brandon both competed in Heat 1. Brandon started off toward the front of the pack. Carla was clearly feeling great and threw out our pre-wod strategy by only breaking after 30 thrusters, and finishing the last 10 quickly after her 4 burpees. Both were ahead coming off of the thrusters. The OH lunges were definitely taxing, requiring more breaks than anticipated, but no burpee penalties. The KB swings went smoothly, but took a toll on both Carla’s and Brandon’s grips which they felt during the SDHP. Carla managed to awkwardly do her farmer’s carry in one hand while taking a quick swig of water from the other hand. A final race to the finish with Carla right on Brandon’s heels finished WOD 1, Heat 1 with both Carla & Brandon finishing first in their heats.

Unfortunately, Danielle and I were both in Heat 2 so I don’t have the play-by-play of either of our WODs. L But goals were met, with me breaking for burpees only once, and Danielle not only finishing the wod but kicking its butt, showing off her shoulder stability on the OH lunges and impressive grip endurance on the SDHP.
I must say, I was impressed with everyone’s Ground-to-OH. Both Carla and Brandon showed good technique and fast elbows on their 1 rep max. Carla’s clearly a rowing machine with 52 calories done in the 3 min interval. The box jumps were a bit of a challenge since standards required control at the top instead of simply full hip extension. Let’s just say, I foresee this standard coming to CFT soon because it really changes the game on box jumps. Danielle rocked out the pushups like a champ.
The Results
As far as where everyone placed – no idea. A timing chip issue delayed results, and I’ll post the scores later. But those weren’t the results I cared about. All that mattered was what my CFT group got from it. From the smiles beaming on their faces the sweat-soaked athletic wear by the end of the day, I’m pretty confident saying that CFT has a new group of members who will want to compete whenever the opportunity presents itself.
A special thanks to Iron Tribe Fitness, especially Luan, for putting on an awesome event. Also, thanks to Carla, Danielle, and Twinkie for giving it their all this weekend. I couldn’t be more proud of each of you!
Christina Van Der Hulst |
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Competition Newbies from CrossFit Northridge - Haley, Victoria, and Amy |