I have been wanting to write this post for awhile, but honestly, today is the best possible day that I could have found time to actually write it. I want to tell all y'all about one of the newer members to the CrossFit community: Bryan De Cuir.
Bryan came to CrossFit Music City 45 days ago. He had never even heard of CrossFit. He walked into my 6 am class, after stopping in and talking to our gym manager, Bill, a few days prior. Bryan was exuberant from day one, excited to try this new fangled workout routine. He asked me how if I could, would I please watch his form because he really wanted to do things right. Umm excuse me? Make sure you're doing things correctly? Not, "Get me skinny." Not, "Scaled? No - I can totally handle a 315 deadlift for reps." Not, "Well I can't do pullups because I'm sore from my cardio kickboxing class." OMG!!! I should have known right then and there that he was one of us! This man didn't have a clue about CrossFit, but there would be no giving him the Kool-Aid, it was already coursing through his veins. He was a coach's dream come true. No ego. No pretense. No excuses. (Does it sound like I was twitterpated? Yah, maybe I was a bit twitterpated....but honestly, how many of you early morning coaches get that complete trust bright and early? OF COURSE I was twitterpated).
On top of his great attitude, Bryan came in at the perfect time - when we were starting the next Paleo Challenge. And he jumped all in. He devoured the packet of information (sorry the DOCUMENT - people think that 16 pages is too long...these people have not read The Paleo Solution or watched Robb Wolf's videos on paleo - message me if you're interested in the super condensed 16 pages of information). He was meticulous with his points. And at the end of a month - what other result he could he possibly get than SUCCESS!!! I'm so proud of him. He got in the sleep, he got in the post-wod protein, he was honest with himself about cheats, and never gave up. The result - most improved performance on the wod. The benchmark WOD was simple:
10 minutes on the clock:
Perform 50 burpees
In the remaining time:
AMRAP - 10 Front Squats @ 75% BW, 250 m row.
10 minutes on the clock:
Perform 50 burpees
In the remaining time:
AMRAP - 10 Front Squats @ 75% BW, 250 m row.
No hiding from something most hate - brupees. Test of strength - could you do the rx weight? Would you be able to at the end if the weight is down and you've gotten stronger? Test of work capacity. Could you power through the burpees and still have it in you to do the heavy front squat (let me tell you - the first time I tested this workout I flew through the burpees to spend 30 seconds looking at the weight thinking frick!! Ok weight squats turned into FRICKIN SQUATS!!). Bryan improved his burpee time by OVER 1 minute. A whole minute. He went Rx on the weight. He did it with great form (which is partly due to the fact that he's sooooo a Kool-Aid in his veins CrossFitter that he attends our twice weekly Olympic Lifting course (brought to you by Dickey Blaze because who else is going to yell out "POCKETS!!!" everytime you're a millimeter off hitting that trigger position in your snatch?) AND Mr. De Cuir did more rounds.
Proud? You bet I am!
Proud? You bet I am!
But our story doesn't end there folks. This isn't about a simple Paleo Challenge Success (that won him $100 btw). Oh No. Read the conversation that transpired shortly thereafter:
- I am seriously thinking of signing up for the CrossFit Talon Easter Throwdown, but before I do I was wondering if you would be my trainer. If I sign up today, it gives you a month to train me. I'd love for you to whip me into shape. I also think this is a perfect thing to keep me occupied for the next 30 days since the Paleo challenge has ended... If you'll train me, I'll sign up immediately (before I talk myself out of it...)
- Sign up
- March 6Bryan C. De Cuir
- Done
Awww......YES!!! More competition virgins to sacrific! ::Evil laugh:: Not really. But I am SUPER excited. He's been doing additional skill work each day, been diligent in his lifts, never misses a WOD. Has done the ENTIRE CrossFit Open. All to culminate this past Friday with Open WOD 12.5 The man had NEVER heard of CrossFit, and 45 days into his life as a CrossFitters he does.....wait for it.....
His FIRST Chest-to-Bar Pullup! Are you kidding me? I got my first unassisted pullups in May and didn't get chest-to-bar until January of this year! WTF! But that's the beauty of drive, determination, and relentless pursuit of fitness. AMAZING things happen people. Bryan is proof of that....and I can't wait to report on how he does at the Talon Easter Throwdown. Which btw is NEXT Saturday, April 7. For a mere $25 you too can experience the awesomeness of a CrossFit competition here in Nashville, TN. And as Bryan (and others from my 6 am class who have signed up) can attest - if he can do it, you SHOULD do it. ;)
This would have been the end of this post....BUT........
Then Bryan shared with me another smidgebit of information. Some of you may be thinking, well he comes from an athletic background. He used to be a fitness figure competitor. Jealous excuses for your own failure to drive as hard as you could is what I have to say to that....BECAUSE...Here are Bryan's pictures from a year ago to NOW (I don't say after, because HELLO!!! He's a CROSSFITTER - not a Johnny come lately, there is no AFTER) Pishhh! Shame on you for thinking after.)
CONGRATS Bryan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB :D I am very proud of your commitment and success!!!! Also, congrats to Opal for being a great coach and guiding Bryan to achieve his goals!!!!
ReplyDeleteBryan (and Opal) - Great meeting you at the Throwdown. Bryan - Your story is an inspiration to me. Opal - Thanks for spurring me on to do just a couple more pullups! Your team is LUCKY to have you! Hopefully I'll see you guys again at the next one!