Thursday, March 22, 2012

03.21.2012 Training

Warm Up:
Same "miracle shoulder cure" warmup as yesterday (I'm calling it this to try and instill the hope that if i stick to this my shoulder will actually improve).

-Split Jerk Ladder: 10x2 (75#), 2 min rest Pendlay's Ladder
-L-sit on parallettes:  7x8 sec., 60 sec. rest  Oh how different the parallettes are from doing it between two boxes.  In my defense, 8 sec. is no where near my max, but apparently that's the point while my shoulder is in recovery.

Strength: Front Squat
-Warm Up: 5x45 - 4x75 - 3x95
-Work Set: 3x3 @ 85% 1 RM, 2 min rest This was SUPPOSED to be done at 115.  But as with most investment bankers, my math skills are seriously laughing without an excel spreadsheet.  So I did this at 105, which did not occur to me until I got to the next lift.  Awesomeness.  

Strength: Zercher Squat
-2x3 @ 75% 1RM Front Squat, 2 min. rest Did this at 100#.  Figured that the front squats were enough warm up.  But apparently, I was wrong and was supposed to do some warm up sets to feel that proper upper back position.

Strength: Strict Press
-2x15 (35#), 2 min rest

5 rounds
10 Deadlifts @ 60% 1RM
15 GHD situps
30 Double Unders

Yay sexy metcon!  Loves it.  But after a loooong day with work and more hours than I'd like to admit at the gym (some hanging out, some coaching, some actually doing work) I was mentally beat before starting this WOD.  I told Stacey, that 5 rounds in 10 minutes was NOT happening.  I had no drive, no intensity, and my body was begging for my bed.  But nothing gets you mentally geared up to go like a sexy metcon.  The only thing that messed with me is that I am now restricted to using mixed grip on heavy heavy deadlifts (shoulder imbalances - the devil that just keeps on giving).  155 should have been unbroken every set.  Instead it was more like 5-3-2 trying to teach my hands to do double overhand grip.  Oh well....finished in 10:41

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