So I’ve definitely had consistent tendonitis flare up in my
left gimp shoulder since 12.3. Oly cert
last weekend did NOT help the situation (despite being such an awesome
weekend). Consequence – not able to do
Games Prep for an additional week. But
rather than pulling a Ben Stiller double jug milkshake jiggle moment (In case you forgot this magical moment,) I’m trying to listen to my coach. Yes, that means resting. But it also means very shoulder rehab
intensive programming brought to you by none other than Dickey Blaze.
My new daily warm up:
500 m row
2 rounds
10 scapular pushups
10 Dumbbell straight arms retractions (15#)
10 Superman holds
2 min airdyne @ 60 rpm
2 rounds
10 bar hanging scapular depressions
10 band to nose
10 band to forehead
2 min airdyne @60 rpm
2 rounds
60 sec. T-spine mobility
60 sec. calf stretch
3 Partner assisted OH squat pull down drill
2 rounds
10 GHD
30 double unders
Yes, ladies and gents.
WTF. BUT Dickey Blaze is right as
far as it is helping my shoulder. The
rationale behind it is that while my shoulder is healing I need to do 2
things: 1) drive blood and nutrients
into the injured area (high volume) and 2) get that shoulder to heal in the
correct position (in nerdy terms: the “natural functional architecture for
which the body was designed to achieve optimal performance”) – or as Spider
Monkey put it “GOOD... Your shoulder movement is
FUCKED UP.... said with love.” Thanks
So after that wonderful warm up (which
doesn’t take too too long as long as I minimize the socializing in between
Training 03.20.2012
Strength Warm Up:
-Front Squat: 2x5 (45#), 90 sec. rest
-Hang Power Clean (from the hip): 1x5
Strength Work Set:
Hang Squat Clean (from the hip)
-5x3 @ 70% 1RM full squat clean (70#),
2 min rest
Strict Press (more trying to maintain
and increase that blood flow)
-2x15 @ 35#, 90 sec. rest Yes. Most definitely felt the burn in the
shoulders at the end of that second set.
8x20 sec. bike sprints holding at
110-115 rpm, 2 min rest
is a deceiving metcon. Single
modality. Not a sexy metcon by any
means. Heck, y’all probably just yawned
when you saw that. God knows I looked at
Stacey with “seriously? I’m dealing with
a special ed shoulder and you’re making me want to quit now and join water
aerobics.” But, “trust the process” (I’m
going to have to get that tattooed on Stacey’s forehead for me to actually want
to trust the process.) So I did it. And the burn….oh the burn. Feeling every microounce of lactic acid
coursing through my quads and hamstrings.
This is not your fluorescent lighted Lady Gaga spin class. This is still CrossFit. This is still instilling speed and endurance and
is just as miserable as the sexy chippers and the siren call of Fran. Plus, it tests coordination – as in how well
can you walk in a straight line when you come off of the bike.
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