Monday, March 26, 2012

03.26.2012 Training

Oh Mondays!  How I love getting back onto the weekly training regime.  I just wish I could start my week with training instead of have to hit the gym after dealing with the initial hit of Monday work stress.  Yes, I am one of those odd birds that loves a run at dawn, throwing around heavy weights before the rest of the world wakes up, and pouring sweat before the coffee starts to drip.

And today at work was definitely one of THOSE Mondays.  The Monday that only Ron Livingston (or as I know him - Berger...yes even watching Office Space, I picture him leaving THE post-it) can understand.  But I got through it, every minute of it, and arrived at the gym, big gulp coffee in hand by 7 pm ready to get a week of training started.

I picture all of these post-its saying "I'm Sorry.  I can't.  Don't hate me."  You only understand this if you are a woman, a man who owns sparkly eyeliner, or have a gf who has made you watch this episode of Sex & The City so many times to prove a point about the proper way to break up with someone.

Warm-Up:  Once again - The Dickey Blaze "Damn Girl - You's Retarded" Shoulder Blaster

-Frog Planche: 7x8 sec. hold, 60 sec. rest
-OH Squat: 4x3 (45#), 90 sec. rest

::Little school girl cry of glee:: - completed ALL frog planche sets for the full 8 sec. (Come on - it's the little victories!).  The OH squat is rebuildling that shoulder stabilization and all of them felt pretty good.  Josh Everett said at Oly Cert the other weekend that you really shouldn't snatch anything you can't OH Squat.  So I'm building my confidence back up with being really secure in that uncomfortable bottom position.  

 -Snatch pull
Warm Up: 2x45 - 2x55 - 2x65
Work Sets:  2-2-2-2-2-2 reps @ RPE (rating of perceived exertion, select weight accordingly) of 8-8.5

So 8-8.5 RPE IS NOT the same as 80-85% of your 1RM.  No siry Bob.  As in my max is 85#.  But that 85 on just a pull felt like maybe a 5-6 on RPE.  So I kept adding weight.  Pretty sure I should have done all my sets at 105 or maybe even gone up to 110 [2x85 - 2x85 - 2x95 - 2x95 - 2x105 - 2x105].

-Strict OH press X 40 lbs. X 15 reps X 2 sets, 90 sec. rest period

Sprint intervals, 20 sec rest in between each interval

I needed to do more mobilization in my legs before this one.  Took too long in between my strength and metcon to hit the 200 sets like I wanted.  Know I wasn't going full force until the half-way through the 100m.  But I'll take it.

Now for the good stuff.....DINNER...

Made Salisbury Steak w/Mushrooms and sauteed spinach.  I forgot to take a picture of the final product, but this is comparable:

But instead of potatoes there was no potatoes.  And instead of peas - spinach.  Delicious way to end the night.  :)

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