I started this blog to try and help myself and others stay on track of their training when their professional lives hang in the balance. And, as you can see from my lack of posts, my training was put on hold when my professional life took over and threw me completely off balance.
Sometimes studying for financial exams that your job depends on and actually doing your job must take precedent. A little birdie, ok Twinkie, said there are only so many hours in a day and eventually your body is going to humble you. I'm not a fan of humble pie, I prefer lemon merengue thank you very much - sits far better in the tunny as long as you're not doing "Fran" immediately afterward, not to mention substantially more delicious. So I held out as long as I could, coaching, working, training, studying, being a puppy-mom and a gf and a friend.
When my body did humble me, it was proof positive that training without recovery means no gains, it even means setbacks. So I took a few weeks off to recover, study and work. I was not pleased in my choice of priorities, but sometimes the bills choose your priorities for you (face it, we can't all be Spidermonkey and spend all day at the gym for a living).
Amazingly though, during that time off, I only lost gains in a few areas - mainly OH which should tell me that working on my shoulder really isn't a luxury but a duty to my body overall. Stacey decided that it was time to redo some maxes just so I could get my head on straight. The hope was that a quick stiff kick in the pants coupled with the upcoming Games would get me ready to go and not focus on the down time I had taken.
So the new maxes as of July 1
Front squat: 150
Strict Press: 80
Push Press: 107.5 (a PR is a PR my friends)
Deadlift: 260 (as of Feb 29)
Back Squat: 170 (as of Feb 29)
Yes, I'm still stuck studying for exams (best of luck to those taking the bar exam this week - and more good luck to those drinking with you when you finish on Thursday), but hopefully back to training more regularly, and cross your fingers - maybe even getting up the posts about the recent Talon Throwdowns, eating cleaner (yes I do read your messages for recipes and pictures), and what y'all really want - a post about the Games!! (spoiler alert: Julie Foucher so much more awesome in person than you can imagine and yes Annie Sakamoto is as crazy on the dance floor as she is with a sledgehammer).
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