Wednesday, August 15, 2012
After Monday's disaster of a workout, Stacey had me redo my Monday session, hoping that being able to watch my technique carefully he could cue me into some progress.
-HSPU: 5x3, 60 sec rest pike from feet on 24" box to 1 abmat + 1 2.5# plate
-Strict Chin-Ups: [1-2-1-1-1] w/red band
Snatch Balance: 3x3
[2x67.5(didn't get full depth on the 3rd rep)-3x67.5-2x67.5(let my concentration go on the last rep and only went to quarter depth)]
*started off trying 70# and missed 2 reps not diving down into full depth. Got mentally stuck going down to a half squat. :( Been stuck trying to get 70 now for 3 weeks. Yay fractional weights. Don't go up next week.
Hang snatch (hip): 6x2
3x35-3x45-3x55-0x65(not sticking the landing)-0x65-2x55(not sticking in my heels)-2x55-2x60-2x65(solid)
[0x70-2x70-2x70-2x70-2x70(missed the first rep)]
*Finally got to train with Stacey watching my lifts. It definitely makes a difference getting instant feedback from your coach. It also helps to have someone there to tell you to "stop whining and get up and go again" when your sitting on your tush sulking after a failed lift.
Hang clean (hip): 4x3
* left shoulder really hurting
Friday, August 17, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
-Narrow pushups: 5-5-5-5-5, 90 sec rest
-Ring Dips: 5x3 w/purple band, 60 sec rest
-Front Squat: 4x3
[3x130(lost position on rep 3)-3x130-3x130-3x130]
*Switching to ladder system next week of one day lighter as ladders, then a heavier day.
-Strict Press: 4x3
*switching to ladder sets next week. Been stuck around this weight for a month. :(
Lat Pull down: 5x5
* Stacey has added these to work on my pulling. American ninja warrior, Ken Monster, had also brought me a TRX set to the gym so I can mobilize and strengthen my lats from different directions, and hopefully work through this impingement.
-Narrow pushups: 5-5-5-5-5, 90 sec rest
-Ring Dips: 5x3 w/purple band, 60 sec rest
-Front Squat: 4x3
[3x130(lost position on rep 3)-3x130-3x130-3x130]
*Switching to ladder system next week of one day lighter as ladders, then a heavier day.
-Strict Press: 4x3
*switching to ladder sets next week. Been stuck around this weight for a month. :(
Lat Pull down: 5x5
* Stacey has added these to work on my pulling. American ninja warrior, Ken Monster, had also brought me a TRX set to the gym so I can mobilize and strengthen my lats from different directions, and hopefully work through this impingement.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
-narrow push ups: 5x2, 60 sec rest
-ring dips: 5x2 w/purple, 60 sec rest *so happy to be on purple band :)
-Front Squat: 4x3
[3x125-3x125(not the prettiest, felt heavy)-3x125
*definitely not going up next time. Heavy!! :-/
**WRONG. Talked to Stacey, and he told me otherwise. I will be going up next week.
-Strict Press: 4x3
*wore myself down on the 70s. Try 67.5 next week.
-narrow push ups: 5x2, 60 sec rest
-ring dips: 5x2 w/purple, 60 sec rest *so happy to be on purple band :)
-Front Squat: 4x3
[3x125-3x125(not the prettiest, felt heavy)-3x125
*definitely not going up next time. Heavy!! :-/
**WRONG. Talked to Stacey, and he told me otherwise. I will be going up next week.
-Strict Press: 4x3
*wore myself down on the 70s. Try 67.5 next week.
Monday, August 6, 2012
The Shoulds of Competition
Christopher Nolan needs to commit to another Batman movie. Not at all what this post is about, but it does lend itself to the blatantly obvious - shoulds do not always become reality. Like it is blatantly obvious that to get strong you should lift, to maximize your workouts you should recover, to stay/get lean you should eat clean. It is also blatantly obvious that if you want people to know what happened at your first ever competition in Kentucky, you should write a blogpost and post pictures. Well today my dear friends, this should is going to become a reality. The awesome competitors from CrossFit Music City and CrossFit 615 should get their recognition for showing up with their best and putting it out there, and CrossFit Maximus should get the shout out for an amazingly organized competition and a kick ass facility.
So here's what I SHOULD have written forever ago.
So June 1 (Go ahead and judge my tardiness - I've earned it) Stacey and I loaded up the cars with eager athletes and a fidgety mascot. It would be a weekend of firsts for many - Alex competing RX, Ken "white ninja nerd" competing for the first time while also inducting Shaunna (CrossFit Barbie) into her first team competition experience, Michael (inspired by the Talon Throwdown) going scaled alongside Marc (who will certainly at this rate be a competition master before long). Stacey and I would be there to coach, with Lena, Zoya, and Rhett Butler there to steal the show - ahem I mean dutifully cheer them on.
Our one-day of competition started with a quick realization that we were the only group from out of town there. No worries, a quick turn on of Tennessee charm and CFMC was the belle of the ball - ok we just smiled shyly and made sure it was ok that we had brought dogs. As much as Stacey and I wanted to focus on getting our athletes' heads in the game, the bright and shiny of an amazing facility coupled with Michael's Miss America charm, flitting about from corner to corner talking to people (i smell trouble if he ever runs for office), occupied most of registration period.
The first WOD should always include burpees. Whether it should include 75 thrusters is up for debate. Our individual competitors may insist that it should not, but 75 thrusters it would be, stopping every minute on the minute to do 5 burpees. 75# for RX women scaled men (and 50 thrusters instead of 75). Given how strong Marc and Michael are now (and that double unders in WOD 2 are the only reason they didn't go RX) I am picturing them shaking their heads thinking if little Alex trudging through the same weight. It's ok guys - at least you promised to never go scaled again (and might I add have honored that promise, but that's another post). Highlight of this WOD - Stacey wanting to hurt the judge who took it upon himself to coach Alex while counting her reps.
Now back to your regularly scheduled post.
Team WOD 1: 100 thrusters for time. While partner A is working, partner B must hold a single KB in locked out position overhead (53/35). Men's weight (115/75 - don't remember the scaled weight). Shaunna and Ken were nothing short of ridiculous on this WOD. Seriously. Ken's burpees are unconventional, but fast and meet all standards. Shaunna's performance should not be described in words .... Just this face.

Individual WOD 2: In 14 minutes, find highest 5 sets of 5 in the deadlift. Between every set, perform 50 double unders (200 singles for scaled) Score = total weight moved.

WOD 2 for the team - each team must perform the following in relay fashion:
1000 m row
20 power cleans each (185/135 RX)
50 walking lunge with plate each (45/35)
CrossFit Maximus's rowers are 2 feet high - had never seen that, but luckily it didn't affect their performance. Having done this whole WOD a few weeks earlier, Shaunna and Ken soared through it happy with their performance. And Ken was more than happy to recover from this WOD by feeding his face.
Individual WOD 3 - Chipper of Death aka - How much can we destroy your grip?
25 pull ups
50 power cleans (95/65)
50 box jumps (24/18)
50 toe-to-bar
50 KB Swings (53/35)
25 pull ups

Alex kicked butt in female RX on this one. Stacey had formulated a great game plan for her since this WOD was right in her wheelhouse. Sadly however, CrossFit tends to have different plans. Your wheelhouse may feel more like a roundhouse kick to the face after a full day of competition. But nevertheless, Miss Brigham pushed through like a champ.
I personally could not have been more proud of Marc and Michael. Michael, despite several no reps, never lost his spirit and trudged through as far as he could until time was called. Marc, so close to finishing when time was called, joined up with a guy from Maximus to finish up his last 15 pull ups in the warm up area despite serious calf cramping. Talk about never say quit.
Team Final WOD:
50 pull ups total
10 partner deadlifts (455/315)(385 if co-Ed team like our fearless ebony and ivory ninjas)
75 pushups total
10 partner deadlifts
50 alternating box jumps
10 partner deadlifts
75 toe-to-bar
10 partner deadlifts
50 alternating burpees
10 partner deadlifts
CrossFit Barbie and American Ninja were more than pleased to be done after this WOD - even more happy because they finished in first. Just as happy as Marc and Michael were pleased to take first and second respectively. Now, just as I told Alex after March of Dimes - never going scaled again. Once you kiss that podium it's time to advance to the next level. ;). And trust me....these competitors are the next level. Just wait until I get around to posting about the most recent Talon Competition.

-HSPU: 5x3, 60 sec rest pike from knees on 24" box
-Strict Chin-Ups: 10 total with red band in as few sets as possible, resting 60 sec in between [2-2-2-1-1-1-1]
Snatch Balance: 3x3
[3x70-3x70-3x55 (after 3 attempts at 70 - wouldn't commit to dropping my butt down)]
Hang snatch (hip): 6x2
*struggling from the jerk boxes. Couldn't concentrate at all - too busy watching the stupid clock trying not be late for an appointment. Decided to call it quits and restart an abbreviated session later.
Attempt 2 of trying to get in a strength session in
Hang Snatch (hip): 6x2
3x35-3x45-3x55 (having issues with speed under off the boxes)
*after 4 attempts at 65 and 8 attempts at 60 (all ended up being power/muscle snatches) went down to 55. Need to get comfortable getting fast down off the boxes.
Hang clean (hip): 4x3
*go up next week @ least back to 105. Once I got comfortable on the boxes, didn't seem to have any problems.
-HSPU: 5x3, 60 sec rest pike from knees on 24" box
-Strict Chin-Ups: 10 total with red band in as few sets as possible, resting 60 sec in between [2-2-2-1-1-1-1]
Snatch Balance: 3x3
[3x70-3x70-3x55 (after 3 attempts at 70 - wouldn't commit to dropping my butt down)]
Hang snatch (hip): 6x2
*struggling from the jerk boxes. Couldn't concentrate at all - too busy watching the stupid clock trying not be late for an appointment. Decided to call it quits and restart an abbreviated session later.
Attempt 2 of trying to get in a strength session in
Hang Snatch (hip): 6x2
3x35-3x45-3x55 (having issues with speed under off the boxes)
*after 4 attempts at 65 and 8 attempts at 60 (all ended up being power/muscle snatches) went down to 55. Need to get comfortable getting fast down off the boxes.
Hang clean (hip): 4x3
*go up next week @ least back to 105. Once I got comfortable on the boxes, didn't seem to have any problems.
-Narrow pushups: 5x2, 60 sec rest *did 3 on last set
-Ring Dips: 5x5 w/red band, missed last rep on the last set *yay I get to advance to purple band next week.
-Front Squat: 4x3
*Need to work on pushing my hips forward more. Go up next week.
Push Press: 4x3
*Solid. Love my custom new Inzer weight belt - even more so because it is hot pink. Go up next week.
-Narrow pushups: 5x2, 60 sec rest *did 3 on last set
-Ring Dips: 5x5 w/red band, missed last rep on the last set *yay I get to advance to purple band next week.
-Front Squat: 4x3
*Need to work on pushing my hips forward more. Go up next week.
Push Press: 4x3
*Solid. Love my custom new Inzer weight belt - even more so because it is hot pink. Go up next week.
HSPU: 5x3 pike on knees off 24" box
Pull-ups: 5x3 w/ black and blue band
* no end to my frustration with my pull ups. Been getting stronger using chin ups, but haven't made even a centimeter of progress on pull ups. Cary thinks that I have an obstruction due to scar tissue around my supraspinatus tendon or the subscapularis tendon. But I guess I'll just keep trudging through it.
OH Squat: 3x3
[3x80-3x80-3x80(slightly less steady than first 2sets)]
*woo-hoo! :)
Hang snatch (knee): 6x2
[2x65-2x65-2x65-2x65-1x65-2x65(shoulder getting lax)]
*go up next week :) getting closer to 70
Hang clean (knee): 4x3
[2x105-2x105-3x105(middle one was a power clean)
HSPU: 5x3 pike on knees off 24" box
Pull-ups: 5x3 w/ black and blue band
* no end to my frustration with my pull ups. Been getting stronger using chin ups, but haven't made even a centimeter of progress on pull ups. Cary thinks that I have an obstruction due to scar tissue around my supraspinatus tendon or the subscapularis tendon. But I guess I'll just keep trudging through it.
OH Squat: 3x3
[3x80-3x80-3x80(slightly less steady than first 2sets)]
*woo-hoo! :)
Hang snatch (knee): 6x2
[2x65-2x65-2x65-2x65-1x65-2x65(shoulder getting lax)]
*go up next week :) getting closer to 70
Hang clean (knee): 4x3
[2x105-2x105-3x105(middle one was a power clean)
-ring dips: 5x4 w/red, 60 sec rest
-narrow push ups
-Front Squat: 4x3
*Solid work. Only last 2 reps on last set was form off.
-Strict Press: 4x3
[3x65(last rep was a struggle)-3x65-3x65-
-Snatch Pull: 3x3
*Only lift that felt even remotely ok. Go up next week.
-ring dips: 5x4 w/red, 60 sec rest
-narrow push ups
-Front Squat: 4x3
*Solid work. Only last 2 reps on last set was form off.
-Strict Press: 4x3
[3x65(last rep was a struggle)-3x65-3x65-
-Snatch Pull: 3x3
*Only lift that felt even remotely ok. Go up next week.
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