Friday, April 20, 2012


-Chin Ups w/red band: 5x1, 60 sec rest I have a special shoulder, yes. But I've been doing negatives and scapular depressions FOREVER.  And so when Stacey tested out my strict pullup and I have not made so much as an inch of progress, despite covering every range of motion within the strict pullup, we had to reassess.  And a good coach will do that with you.  You put in the work, evaluate the progress, and then make adjustments.  We realized that with chinups I don't get that same sticking point - so I will be doing those now to progress toward my strict pullups.
-Wall Balls: 4x10 (unbroken) (14# to the 10'), 90 sec rest

5 rounds of:
20 sec. exercise bike sprint (100-110 rpm)
10 ring rows
15 KB swings (44)

Followed by 1,000m row.

Score: 16:22 - Ring Rows and bike sprints.  Deceptively hard.  This metcon was legs, grip, grip+ legs x5, then the whole body on the rower.  I couldn't get below 2:10 pace at that point.  I immediately fell off the rower and uttered "I Suck".  Note to self - don't let Stacey hear me say that again - or just don't say that again.  No, I'm not thrilled with my score.  BUT I gave it my all.  I could not have gone harder.  Period.  End story.  So I don't suck - I did the work.  I just have room for improvement, but that will always be the case.  Which means taking a big slice of humble pie, recognizing that there will always be room for improvement, and that you can always progress is a reason I love CrossFit.

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