don't always go your way. Shocker. Pretty sure I learned that in
kindergarten when I realized that My Little Pony didn't equal a real
life pony. You can't ride a frickin plastic toy...the fact that Santa
needs that clarified makes me wonder if all people in charge are
required to fail a common sense test (including myself sometimes
according to my 6am class). Today was starting out as a great day.
Things weren't going as planned but every slip up was followed by
something awesome.
Sad Face: Enter a gym at 5:30 am to find left out equipment from the night before.
Happy Face: 6am Beast Club going killer hard on the WOD in a way that leaves
you giddy clapping (someday there will be a video of me doing this -
but until then picture a 5 year old who ACTUALLY got the pony)
Sad Face: The Lulu jacket I LOVE was finally on sale....when it's 90
degrees outside (also an example of when the blatantly obvious
frustrates me)
Happy Face: Needed the money for vet bill anyway AND Lulu is next to Zoe's
which I haven't had since leaving Tuscaloosa, and so I treated myself to
an awesome protein power plate.
Sad Face: The short ribs I planned to make for dinner to feed a serious
good eats craving take 3 1/2 hours to make when I had planned on only an
hr and a half (for some reason my short ribs in a pressure cooker
recipe was stuck in my head instead of the low and slow method that
produces the below results).
Happy Face: Still have great wine to go with ....well I'm still waiting to see how these shorter at a high heat ones turn out.
Sad Face: Didn't get in my metcon b/c I needed to get on these short ribs -
leaving for Chicago in the am and still have to pack, eat, do more
work, etc.
Happy Face: Strength session went pretty damn well....AND I counted my weight correctly.
yes......there are ups and downs to training and life and work that you
just have to take. But here's the training I got in anyway.
6:00 pm Training
Opal's Shoulders Are Still Special Warm-Up This was a bit frantic and scattered because the gym was packed so I had to do things all over the place.
-Negative Pullups: 4x2, 2 min rest Ughhhh
- haven't done these in over a month, but had hoped that the scapular
depressions I'd been doing in my warmup every day would magically make
them easy. Not so much, because as I've shoulders are
special - as in they don't like to move at the same time nor at the same
pace nor to the degrees that I want them.
-Split Jerk Ladder: 2x10, 2 min rest (85#)
-Hang Clean (Hip) focusing on catching tight right above parallel @ 85% 1RM, 2 min rest
Warm-up: 3x45 - 2x75 - 2x90
Work Set: [95 - 95 - 95] Forgot about the focus on right above parallel so I actually did 2 full rounds of 3 sets. Genius I tell you - well that's what my parents always said.
-Hang Squat Clean (Knee) @ 80% 1RM, 2 min rest
Work Set: [3x90 - 3x90 - 3x90]
-Front Squat @ 85% 1RM, 2 min rest
Warm-up: 3x65 - 3x95 - 3x105
Work Set: [3x115 - 3x115 - 3x115]
Opal, this post has helped me take a step back from a rather discouraging day. Thank you. I think I may pony up the dough and get my ass in gear for your 6am beast club. At least then I'll be productive once a day