Monday, February 20, 2012


Ughh!  Getting back into after 2 weeks of being in and out.  Wasn't expecting the best performance after working 14 hrs straight, BUT....Superman was back so having my training partner there to push me was all I needed to get through it.

Strength - Strict Press
Warm-Up: 5x35 - 4x55
Work Set: 4x[3x65] - Unbelievably psyched to get 65# for all 4 sets.  I've been stuck at this weight for 2 1/2 weeks and it has been frustrating the hell out of me.  I'd be able to go for 2-3 of the sets, but never get all of them, so Stacey hasn't let me bump up the weight.  Next week - tackling that 70#!!!  (maybe)  I really think doing strength before gymanstics drills made all the difference.

Skill -
-60 sec. max kipping pullups
Score:  21 Not sure why I'm having trouble getting into a rhythm.  Probably all the butterfly practice we've been doing has me want to back pedal.
-5 rounds: 3 negative pullups, 5 muscle up transitions into bottom of dip.  Go unbroken, but not for time.  Felt fine though my grip was feeling it at the end.

So Kill Cliff has a challenge going on for the next 4 weeks.  This past week's challenge that was due by 8:30 tonight was :30 sec max double unders.  Tried yesterday and of course didn't get the warm up on video when I got 65.  So was stuck with a video of 61 double unders.  Pretty crappy for me, but whatever.  I'll take it.  Think my head was already on how bad the metcon was going to be.

15 min AMRAP
15 Thrusters (95/65)
500 m row

Score: 3 Rounds + 15 Thrusters + 214 m row.  Can't say that I'm pleased with this.  I know I could have finished up 4 rounds but the drive wasn't there.  :(

Just happy to be back to wodding and not feeling like a broken down mess.  And going home to make this deliciousness for dinner!!!  Pork chop with sauteed peppers, mushroom, onion and garlic + avocado.  Who says Paleo isn't delicious?

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