Monday, January 21, 2013

Training 01.21.2012

800 m run warmup 4:20.41
Shoulder mobility

Pull-up negatives
10x1 w/red band, 60 sec rest
*Kept it at 10-15 sec long negatives on each.

3-position snatch
*several misses. Primarily due to lacking confidence (or in Stacey's words - being chicken shit) from the hip and not staying in my heels.

6 rounds
Sled push down @ 145# high bar, stay on heels
10 Russian KB swings 53#
Sled push back @ 145# high bar
10 sit-ups


Went unbroken on everything. Glad the 1.5 pood felt nice and easy. I'm looking forward to ramping up the KB swings, and I now clearance from The Boss to do American style again soon, starting at 44# and building from there. Staying on my heels is a whole different ball game on this sled pushes. It turns it into a strength endurance workout and takes the stress off the Achilles - exactly what I need after two days of running and double unders :)

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