Wednesday, December 14, 2011

You Are What You Eat - OR At Least What You Tell People You Eat

I have discovered why working professionals do not maintain a CrossFit blog.  Because when do you have time, or more realistically, the energy, to blog daily when you’re working 70+ hrs/wk, training, preparing clean food meals, sleeping (supposedly), and trying to be a good mama to your dog?  But I realized the rumor was that I had quit CrossFit and had moved into McDonald’s.  Shame on whoever started that rumor – you are more likely to run into JLo at Mickey D’s w/her boyfriend in the ball pit losing a shoe than me (ok not true – because God knows I love me a Big Mac to celebrate a competition – but then I wouldn’t have been able to make a stab at the reigning Queen of the Cougars).

I have still been diligent in my training - Stacey fixing every aspect of my technique (slowly and painfully mind you), plenty of skill drills, tackling a “5000 double unders by Christmas challenge” (which I started Sunday – Brilliant I tell you!  Brilliant!), and preparing for this Christmas Throwdown CrossFit Rampage is hosting this Saturday.  The WODs will kick my butt, I will discover that “No, a snatch does not magically become easy because everyone is watching – just ask the guys at the bar who still don’t have game just because their friends are cheering them on”, and I will have a whole new group of people with whom to share the glory that is CrossFit competing.  Christmas comes early this year in the form of a competition with my new gym.  Check it out if you’re in the area.

Where I hit a bit of a speed bump is in my eating.  I realized that not posting it, I was more likely to cheat.  Sure I still wrote everything down, but for my eyes only.  And what my eyes have seen is not appropriate for the public.  I know food journals are boring and mundane, especially without photo evidence that clean food can be delicious.  When you find a food blog of clean eats, let me know because I’m pretty sure everything on is on the “don’t touch it if your great-grandmother made it especially for you right before she moved into the hospice and promised that eating it would help you find the cure for cancer” list.  Of particular predicament for me is this one picture of a Short Rib Sandwich Oozing with Melted Jack Cheese on Country Bread with Arugula and Sweet Red Onion, and because at the moment I favor justice over mercy, here’s the link -

But I digress.  Food journals are boring.  No one cares that I ate Greek Yogurt and berries and resisted the ooey gooey temptation of a grilled cheese sandwich.  Which is why I stopped including them.  But it is also what allowed me to sneak in handful after handful of honey roasted peanuts on Sunday while buried in financial spreadsheet models, and then scolding Rhett Butler for eating a whole canister.  Doesn’t he know that he’s already a bit of a heifer lately, so stealing snacks is probably an unwise decision? So alas, I must return to logging what I ate – but I will attempt in the future to at least make it interesting with pictures – maybe I will have more success as a food blogger than for CrossFit.

AM Training (6:00am):
3 Rounds:
250 m row
2x 30 sec Saigon Stretch for Time
10 Air Squats
20 sec. DeadHang from Pullup Bar
10 Shoulder Pass throughs
10 Jumping squats
10 pullups
10 GHD back extensions
15 Butterfly Situps

Work up to heavier front squat

5 x 3 Front Squat @ 85% max, 70-75% for those competing on Saturday (95# - yay for me)
50 double unders in between sets if you're me and trying to catch up to Bryn on this 5000 DU challenge

I include the warm ups for 2 reasons - 1)  To demonstrate how you can quiet the whiney "but I don't get a good sweat on when we just do strength!" pansies and 2) To give ideas for friends who do the same warm up everyday regardless of what the wod is.

PM Training - TBD

Post-WOD(7:30 am): Body Fortress whey protein
Breakfast (8:00 am – guess who was running late to work): ½ oz pecans, 1 c. blackberries, Fage Greek yogurt w/honey
Lunch (11:30 am): 4 oz turkey kielbasa (no longer tastes like hot dog when spiced w/cumin, chili powder, garlic, and cayenne) on 2 whole grain tortillas w/sautéed bell pepper, onion, avocado, and a mini-babybel cheese
Snack (2:30pm): Starbucks Grande 3x vanilla latte – wasn’t going to stay away for too long on this one

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